Get a web site, shill it on these forums and give away free $50 accounts. If you go broke and can't pay anyone it doesn't matter anyway because there's no one making sure that you can't just run to the airport with a suitcase full of what's left of the assets.
The best way to get started is to have a some credit packages already and start taking their action until you have enough cashflow to advertise and take post up players. It isn´t as easy as one thinks and nowadays the players don´t lose like they used to. Good Luck!
Sailor - If you have LOST allot of money gambling as you have written... then you are probably NOT going to do any better owning and running a sportsbook.
This is NOT an industry that you just get into without knowledge, experience and very good business sense.
Being that this was your question for your FIRST POST...
Hoping to get in cheap, spend rest on advertising and go for long term. Thanks for comments, if anyone has a good idea, let me know. Like the $50 dollar account idea, banned for life.